• Member Since 16th Feb, 2012


I'm not much of a writer i'm more of a comic spriter.I just love to read the FICs & sprite in my spare time.

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Total Words: 34,034,957
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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20-year-old Ryan Burbank is living with his girlfriend in their woodland home when he is struck by a mysterious infection seemingly out of nowhere. To everyone's horror, his sickness spreads quickly throughout his body, shutting him down one piece at a time. The doctors are at a loss of what to do about this new form of bacteria. Ryan and his loved ones choose to keep fighting until either a cure can be discovered...or the pain becomes too much.
At the height of his suffering, he discovers a happy little show while watching television in his hospital room. The bright colors and happy attitudes of the cartoon equines provide him with a much-needed escape from the daily pain of being killed from the inside.
Eventually, the pain becomes too much and he decides it would be better to go out surrounded by his family, in the embrace of those who kept him company throughout his short life. Just as he starts to fade, his eyes wander to the screen of the hospital room television and the cartoon ponies who adorn it. Something strange begins to occur...almost like the screen is pulling him in. Tunnel vision, maybe?
No, that can't be it...why can he hear his name being called by a very familiar voice? And why is she...crying? Who is this crying, familiar voice and why does she seem to know him?



Rated "Teen" for language and the "Sex" tag is for all of the sexual humor and suggestive situations. If I decide to up the suggestive stuff in the future, I'll change the tags and rating to fit that change.

Cover by enamis.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Starlight and Sans

Author's Note: Featured! Oh my God, thank you all so, SO much! :D

Life for Equestria will never be quite the same now that two worlds have united. The Monsters from the Underground of Earth, the human ambassador Frisk, both are eager to make friends with a new kind of being...the pony. And the ponies, in turn, are quite eager to welcome more friends into their lives, especially those who seem so willing and talented! What could go wrong? Well...actually a lot. But a lot can go RIGHT too!

A collection of stories done in collaboration with me and MisterEbony, to give to you, the reader, a peek into the best of two worlds. I hope you all enjoy them half as much as we enjoyed writing them!

Chapters (51)

A clerical error in the Registry of Mortals sends an unwitting human to a strange land. It wouldn't be so bad, if the ponies there weren't out for his blood.


A little twist on the myth that unicorns were hunted for their fantastical powers.

Chapters (8)

Ambushed. Defeated. Broken. Banished from his world, he expected his story to end, his revenge unfulfilled. Instead, he found himself in a new world - a world of peace, tranquility, and harmony.

May God help them.

Chapters (13)

Twilight goes with Rainbow to watch her race in Cloudsdale only to suddenly find herself being 'wooed' by Thunderlane.

Saw the cover art and decided to make a story around it with permission from Ravenpuff

9/6/14 Featured!
I don't really know the meaning of this. I was going for a minimum length little thing because I saw the cover pic. Then it gets featured. Maybe it means I can die peacefully now. Except people want me to write more. Dunno what to do with my life anymore.

Many suggestions later. *Dramatic sigh* I suppose I'll switch this to incomplete. :)

YouTube reading by Captain Bron3y!

New chapters edited by the fantastic AnonponyDASHIE

Chapters (2)

A former pink pony finds herself in a new, hostile world and a new friend who's perhaps even more hostile. A small, angry man finds himself with a new friend he didn't want. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

Cover art used with permission from Technaro.

Chapters (211)

PART ONE OF A MULTI-PART SERIES. PART 2: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/103953/to-the-point-of-no-return

- - - -

You may try your entire life to attain your dreams, a goal that has been ever-lastingly burnt into your mind, but there is always a chance of failure...
... and Kratos... suffered the fate of many.
He was denied of his release.
Denied of his revenge.
And now... this...?
There is a turning point for every and any thing.
... was no exception.

Chapters (13)

The young Twilight gets accidentally sent to Torchwood. The doctor and a very confused Rose need to save her.

Chapters (1)

Not all humans who arrive in Equestria are friendly. Sometimes, they're total assholes.
Sometimes, they're trolls. Like these guys.

When you're two dudes who are cosplaying as Tobi and Yoshimitsu and are labelled Public enemies 1 and 2, sometimes, you just gotta go on a road trip.

Loosely inspired by F*ck it I'm having fun. Pic drawn by Genbu, who's kind of the coolest.

Edit: Huh, featured on 5 May 2014. Wasn't expecting this.

Chapters (19)

It's been a rough day for Twilight Sparkle. She was awoken in the middle of the night to save the town, had a chance to study an alien artifact ripped out from under her, and is now stuck with Applejack, Fluttershy, and her arch-nemesis Queen Chrysalis in some alien fighting tournament with a bunch of... things she doesn't even want to try and start describing without a cup of coffee and some asprin!

Indeed, Twilight and her friends have been summoned to join the latest Smash Brothers tournament! And as they explore the mysterious 'Smashworld' and meet new, colorful characters, they will be pitted head to head against new friends and enemies as well as each other! Can their friendships survive being forced to fight one another? Why are all the other 'smashers' so on edge? And what's with the bizarre being that purports to be the creator of this world, "the Master Hand?"

Only one thing is for sure. It's going to be a doozy.

Chapters (8)